For those of you who are not familiar with blogs, this is especially for you.
What the heck is a blog? The word “blog” comes from the word “weblog” meaning a website with information being added on a regular basis rather than being static or constant. The additions are called “posts”. On this blog, friends who write the posts are called “authors”.
Logo: What you see when you first come to this blog is this circle, like a Circle of Friends sharing their stories. This serves as its logo. It is colorful and vibrant, full of rich content, just like the authors and their stories!
Menu Bar: Below the logo, at the top of the blog site, is a black bar called the “Menu Bar”. Here you’ll find several buttons to click on for more information.
Home: Click on this button to get started. This will display the recent posts: title, author, date published, and an image that goes with the post. You’ll need to click on the post or “Read More” to be able to read the post in its entirety.
About Blog: Click on “About Blog” to see what the blog is about — why it was created.
Authors: Click on “Authors” to read short biographies of the authors.
Memoir Writing: Click on this to learn about several processes for writing life stories.
Contact: This provides a way for you to share your ideas and comments. Also, you can inquire about becoming an author.
Posts: Below the black menu bar, you’ll see the most recent posts. Click on the title. At the end of each post is a “Comment” section. Authors appreciate your thoughtful and kind comments.
Right Side Bar: On the right side of the blog site are the quick and easy ways to find posts and authors. This is called the “Right Side Bar” which includes Recent Posts: a list of what’s new, and Authors: Click on the author whose stories you want to read. It also tells you how many stories each author has written (so far). Remember to click on “About Authors” on the black Menu Bar to read an author’s short biography.
Subscribe on Right Side Bar: So you’ll never miss your friends’ wonderful stories, be sure to enter your email address to receive notification of new posts. Just click on the “Subscribe” button at the bottom of the right side. Your email is only for this purpose and will never be shared.